Clinton Main Street Parade Entry Form
2022 Parade Entry Criteria
November 25th @ 6PM
• All entries (except marching bands) must be lighted with decorative lighting to be considered for judging and awards.
• Non-competitive motorized entries must have working lights for safety reasons (for example, headlights on an auto or tractor or taillights on a trailer).
• No horses unless bagged. Street cleaning is not available, and you will be responsible for cleaning up anything they leave behind.
• All entries should include a sign showcasing the sponsor.
• For safety reasons, if a walking entry includes children younger than 12, a ratio of one adult per five children is requested.
• No Santas, please – Santa and Mrs. Claus will ride on the last entry as the grand finale of the parade. You may wear a Santa hat, but all other Santa costumes in part or in full will not be allowed.
• No open flames, horns, sirens or confetti.
• Entries need to be holiday themed. Please note: Only lighted entries will be considered for awards.
• Entries will be judged by category – Best Overall Theme, Best Youth Entry, Best Religious Entry and Judges’ Choice. Entries must be in place by 5:30 p.m. to be judged. All entries should report at 4:30 to the parking lot behind the First Baptist Church, 209 E. Jefferson, to be assigned a number.
• For safety reasons, no candy or other items may be thrown from a float or any motorized vehicle during a parade according to city ordinance. Only walkers can distribute candy.
Thanks for your participation!
Please call 885-2121 if you have any questions.
2022 Annual Lighted Christmas Parade
Coordinated by Clinton Main Street, Inc.
November 25th, 2022
Registration at 4:30, Line up at 5:00, Judging at 5:30 and Parade at 6:00 p.m.
2022 Parade Registration Form
Name of Organization, Family or Business:
Contact Person and Title:
Mailing Address:
Phone Number(s):
E-mail Address:
Approximately how many people will ride or walk as part of your entry? _______________________
Please give a simple description of your parade unit:
Information for Announcer:
Please return this form by Wednesday, November 23th, to:
Clinton Main Street
116B W Jefferson St
Clinton, MO 64735
Email to
Questions? Call Amanda 660.885.2121