Are you passionate about a project? Would you love to make a difference in your community but don’t quite know where to begin? Step Up To Leadership is for you!
West Central Missouri Community Action Agency is enrolling now for Step Up to Leadership classes. The 12-week session will be held in Clinton, Missouri at Antioch Hills, 1819 Gaines, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Thursday beginning June 16 until September 1.
Step Up To Leadership helps build self-confidence, develop skills for community leadership roles, and provides hands-on learning opportunities through shared experiences with other participants. Taylor Valentine, Community Initiatives Coordinator for Henry and Cass Counties, will facilitate the class. She commented, “Individuals who want to develop skills and knowledge for leadership in community organizations and at work will love this class. The main goal is to help shine the light on each participant’s positive qualities, help them find their passion, and strengthen skills they want to improve. Step Up To Leadership is for anyone who wants to build self-character, leadership skills, and learn how to make a positive difference in their community by getting involved.” Class curriculum will help class members learn to work with a variety of personalities, identify individual passions and goals, basics of public speaking, and how to write a grant. Upon completion, the class plans a graduation ceremony, and members have the opportunity to write a competitive mini-grant to create their own community project. Valentine says, “People will complete the course as a leader or a stronger leader than before. A leader is always striving to better themselves and others.”
For more information, or to register for classes, contact Taylor Valentine at or call 660-476-2186 ext. 3102.
West Central Missouri Community Action Agency is headquartered in Appleton City, Missouri and encompasses a nine-county region which includes Bates, Benton, Cass, Cedar, Henry, Hickory, Morgan, St. Clair, and Vernon Counties. Last year, West Central served over 23,000 people with immediately needed services such as shelter, food, and energy assistance, and also long-term solutions like education and job placement.
This project is funded 100% at $1500 with federal funds received from the US Dept of Health and Sr Services provided by the Mo Dept of Social Services, Family Support Division.