Members of the Ag Committee of the Clinton Chamber of Commerce and the Henry Co. Sale Committee presented checks March 30th for the new school farm coming soon. This is from the Clinton School District’s Facebook page late last year: The Clinton High School FFA Chapter is excited to announce that students will soon have the opportunity to learn what it takes to raise and maintain livestock right here at school! The proposed school farm will sit on 5 acres to the south of the high school. As of now, the plans are to raise, breed, show, and sell livestock. The school will start with one horse to breed, and a few steers for students to feed out, show this summer, and sell for profit that will fund next year’s steer purchase. The school farm has the potential to become a larger scale livestock production operation in the future. “Starting this facility is a dream of mine. My goal is to provide students with the opportunity to learn about raising livestock right here at school. This farm is going to teach kids things that no textbook can. I have many students who do not have the space or ability to have livestock at home, so having a place where they can have these experiences and learn these skills at school is vital to their future in the agriculture industry,” says Tanner Robertson, FFA advisor. If you are interested in helping, donations of farm supplies (gates, feed, hay, stock tanks, etc.) or monetary donations are needed. Please contact Tanner Robertson for more information,