The Clinton Chamber of Commerce and our Ambassadors Committee are hosting a Legislative Luncheon on Monday, March 18th at the Elks Lodge Banquet Room from 11:00am (that’s when serving begins) until 1pm. We will start the program around 11:30 and if you are still eating, that’s certainly no problem. We will have Clinton Mayor Moberly, Henry Co. Presiding Commissioner Stone, MO Gov. Parson, a rep. for U.S. Sen. Schmitt, MO Sen. Crawford, and MO Rep. Kalberloh. Find out what is happening in Washington D.C. and here in MO. There may be time for a short ‘question and answer session’ and/or a time to speak individually with each presenter if they are available after the event. The cost for the luncheon will be $15 and those tickets are on sale now. There will be sub sandwiches, soup, salad, dessert, and drink. Just call or email YOUR Chamber to reserve your tickets (660-885-8166 or We certainly hope you plan on attending this event March 18th to hear from our elected officials talking about a variety of subjects. Seating will be limited. This is open to the public.
Today is March 1st, 2024. The next thing you know it will be Monday, July 1st and time for Olde Glory Days to begin!
Olde Glory Days 2024 will start on July 1st with the annual Veteran’s Dinner. Activities will begin on Wed. evening, July 3rd and continue through Sunday night, July 7th with the fireworks show. Many contracts were signed last fall for this year’s celebration. Musical acts this year include Delisa Dawn and Route 66 Reunion Show…Eastern Heights…Brass Rewind…The Rock Gods…Richard Holmgren’s Flying Debris Show…Kevin Horner Ventriloquist…and the Fishin’ Magicians. Activities will include badges with the chance to win prizes…the carnival…Gospelfest…Kaboom the mascot…office olympics…the parade…t-shirts and caps…toddler tent and bounce house…vendors…and sooo much more from the past and new items for this year.
We just wanted to let you know that the dates have been set, the committee has met, many contracts have been signed and a lot of people will continue to work hard over the next four months to bring you another great Olde Glory Days. 2024 will be our 31st year! More information will be released as the days, weeks and months go by.
Congratulations to American Family Insurance in Clinton as that agency is celebrating 55 years of doing business in Clinton. Carla Moberly American Family Insurance is open Monday-Friday from 9am until 5pm at 901 East Ohio St. 660-885-5575
Congratulations goes out to Whitehead Consultants Inc. as they are celebrating their 55th year of doing business in West-Central MO. They are a land surveyor in Clinton located at 114 N Main St. They’re open Monday-Friday from 8am till 5pm. (660) 885-8311
Here’s something you will want to check out!
City of Clinton, MO-Welcome to the City of Clinton’s Official Facebook Page.
On Monday of this week, we had our first Olde Glory Days meeting for this year’s celebration. Many of the contracts for entertainment, sound and stage, the carnival, fireworks and more were signed last fall, but now it’s time to start getting into the specifics of what OGD will look like July 3rd-July 7th. More information as the weeks go by, so stay tuned as they say…Tuesday morning I attended the Economic Vitality meeting at Clinton Main Street…At noon, we had our monthly Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors meeting…As I do each Wed., I recorded this week’s Chamber Chat at KDKD which airs on Thursdays at 12:15pm.
The Clinton Chamber of Commerce wishes Suzanne nothing but the best in the future.
Dear Historical Society members,
After three rewarding years serving as the Director of our beloved museum, I am writing to announce my retirement. It has been an incredible journey filled with learning about our shared history, culture, and shared passion for preserving our heritage. As I step down from this role, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you.
With immense gratitude,
Suzanne Bush
Retiring Director
Henry County Museum
More of Suzanne’s retirement letter can be found on the Chamber’s Facebook page;
From Jobs Mo Gov-Not sure how to get started with your job search? No matter the reason, we’re here to help. Wherever you are in your job search, our Job Seeker Workspace can provide resources, products, and services to you at no cost! Get started now:
Statewide town halls being held to inform Missouri’s Master Plan on Aging. Meetings to be held locally and across the state
A series of town hall-style meetings will be held across the state to gather feedback from local individuals who know about challenges in their own communities. These events are free and open to anyone who wants to influence the direction of the state when it comes to aging in Missouri. An in-person meeting was held co-hosted by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) and Care Connection for Aging Services to discuss Missouri’s Master Plan on Aging. For individuals unable to attend a town hall in person, two virtual town halls will also be held on March 21. These meetings require a free registration in order to provide a secure link to join the call. Registration and more information can be found at
There’s going to be A LOT of basketball, and people, in Clinton this weekend! The 5th Annual Nets Basketball Tournament is this Friday evening and all day Saturday (3/1-3/2). 45 teams have signed up from surrounding communities and the ages range from 1st grade to 8th grade boys & girls teams. Additionally, there will be area food trucks set up at each location and they will donate a portion of proceeds from the weekend back to a 501c3 – Youth Nets Organization. This organization will be utilizing Clinton Middle School, Clinton High School, Clinton Community Center and Holy Rosary Gym. According to the organizers, this tournament has grown bigger each year. They hope to see you around sometime this weekend! If you have any questions, contact Krystal Smith at 660-885-7447 ext. 7622.
Benware Tractor & Auto-Our Annual Customer Appreciation Sale is coming up on Saturday March 2nd and will be bigger than ever. We will have HUGE savings on commodities and tools, awesome reps and over $10,000 in raffle items that will be great additions to your farm or home. KDKD will be broadcasting live so be sure and tune in throughout the day. You don’t want to miss this event with over $10k worth of giveaways.
Ladies Military Support Event-It’s FFF Time!! (First Friday for Female veterans) What’s your favorite kind of salad? Chicken, potato, lettuce, bean, pasta, fruit, Jello…??? Ladies, grab your family and throw together a salad of any kind(or stop and shop for one) and come on over to Clinton VFW Post 1894 (510 West Allen) THIS Friday March 1 6-8 PM.
Attention business owners: Kaysinger Basin RPC has resources to help your business become more resilient. We are hosting two luncheons March 5, 2024 in Appleton City and March 7, 2024 in Osceola. Please see the information posted below to RSVP and click the following link for a quick survey so we can focus our time on what matters to you!
Heartland Comm. Theatre of Clinton presents “Suite Surrender” March 8th at 7pm, the 9th at 2 and 7pm…March 10th at 2pm. A comedy directed by Karen Switzer. A fast-paced, funny-farce by Michael McKeever. Tickets are $15 and available at the Clinton Chamber of Commerce or at the door before each production. Starring: David Scott, Elaine VonSpreckelsen, Kate French, Becca Fox, Rob Hills, Aubrey Springer, Janet Smith, Sam French and David Lee.
Henry County Museum, Clinton-Exciting News! The Henry County Museum is set to open in April! We’re on the lookout for passionate volunteers to be a part of this incredible journey. Whether you’re a history buff or love your community, we want you! Join us in unlocking the past and making the future a more history-driven place! Interested? Directly message us here, call us at (660)-885-8414, or email us at Let’s make history together!
Event by Clinton Main Street Downtown Clinton Square – Join us for the Spring Sidewalk Sales in downtown Clinton from Thursday, April 4th through Saturday, April 6th. Downtown businesses will have sales going on, with many marked-down items out on the sidewalks.
5th Annual Quilt Walk Event by Clinton Main Street Historic Downtown Clinton Square A fun festival for everyone from expert quilters to needle novices, this two-day event includes a trunk show with Laura Piland of Slice of Pi, the designer of the exploding heart, quilt displays all around the Square, and quilt blocks that can be gathered to provide a pattern for a one-of-a-kind quilt! Itinerary for April 5 & 6: 10am – 4pm Free Quilt Walk Event (Register @ WF Quilt Shop 140 W. Jefferson)
12:30 Bed Turning @ the Henry County Museum (203 W. Franklin)
2 PM Slice of Pi Trunk Show @ the Rotary Building (200 W. Franklin)
Henry Co. Plant Swap in the Park April 28th 11am till 4pm Artesian Park Come join us at Artesian Park for a day of plant swapping and community! We’ll be located at the large shelter. Bring your extra vegetable and fruit plants, nut trees/bushes, native pollinator plants, houseplants etc to trade. I do ask that if you bring non native species, that they not be aggressive/invasive, ie no invasive bamboo, non native honeysuckle, Euonymus wintercreeper etc. The day of, we’ll set up at 11 am and hopefully be ready to swap by 12 pm. Some guidelines to help things run smoothly: – Essentially it’s potluck style but with the philosophy of only take what you bring. ie If you bring 5, take 5. – All swapping should wait until we officially start at 12 pm to give everyone a chance to finish setting up. – If you don’t have plants to swap but you have things like sourdough or keifer starter, plastic pots, baked goods or other gardening related items, feel free to bring those to trade. – Please make sure all plants are potted up and not hanging loosely with exposed roots. That way we insure their success in their new homes. If anyone wants to volunteer to help stay after and clean up, contact me (Kat McKenzie) I look forward to this and getting to meet new people in the community. Be sure to share this event!
Clinton Animal Shelter-We still have some sponsorships available!! Help a homeless pet by sponsoring a kennel or even a play yard. We currently have 8 Friends of the Felines, 1 Protector Dog Kennel, 8 Hero Dog Kennels and 2 Outdoor Play Yards still waiting for a sponsor. Plaques are going up now. If you would like a sponsor form emailed or mailed to you please email They are available at the shelter – 1307 N Washington St, Clinton MO and we will put one in the comments. Thank you to everyone who has sponsored so far! We appreciate your support!
STAKEHOLDER SURVEY-Following two years as superintendent of the Clinton School District, Mr. Brian Wishard recently announced his resignation effective June 30, 2024. The Board of Education accepted this resignation during closed session at Tuesday evening’s meeting. Mr. Wishard will continue serving as Superintendent until June 30, 2024 to ensure a smooth leadership transition takes place. The Clinton School District has recently hired MSBA to support the search for a new district superintendent. The search will begin immediately and conclude with the hire of a new successful leader. Your feedback regarding what “desired qualifications” are most important for this position will ensure the new hire is a good fit for both the school district and community. Please share narrative insights and rank personal and professional priorities for the new superintendent. The search team will produce a general report based on the information gathered in this survey. The report will be shared with the board to advise them on what priorities the district and community stakeholders are looking for in a new leader. This survey is anonymous unless you provide your name voluntarily. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey and provide direction for this important leadership position before March 5th.
CLINTON SENIOR CENTER,970 E. SEDALIA, CLINTON MO- Here we go again! Lenten Fish Fry. Join us for our next fundraising adventure! Menu will be Perryman’s Fried Fish, Cole slaw, baked beans, hush puppies and dessert. Thanks for your support! March 22nd 5:30
Primitive Olde Crow & Winery, LLC – Clinton-Mark your calendars for April 27th. Spring JunkFest Fun for the whole family! Food stalls | Market stalls | Pizza | Winery | Antiques | Local Vendors Music | Bounce house for kids Contact us at 660-885-2051 or email for vendor information.
Clinton’s Shop Small Crawl. Sat., May 18th 10 till 4 A group of boutiques, home decor and specialty shops have joined teams to host Clinton’s first ever boutique crawl! Keep your money where your heart is and help support our local community by shopping local and shopping small. How it works: Pick up your passport/map at the first participating business you visit. Get your passport stamped at ALL participating shops. Turn your card in to the last shop you visit and be entered to win CASH prizes! No purchases necessary to be stamped.
1st prize: $500
2nd prize: $300
3rd prize: $200
Winners will be drawn LIVE around 4:30pm on Facebook and in person.