Recycling Initiative Grant Applications
“Recycling Initiative Grant Applications” are now available through the Quad-Lakes Solid Waste Management District (QLSWMD). These grants are to assist with start-up and/or education. Local governments, businesses, industries, schools, and/or individuals, within the QLSWMD six-county area, are invited to submit an application for these funds. The Counties included in the QLSWMD are Bates, Benton, Cedar, Henry, Hickory, and St. Clair. Approximately $50,00.00 is available for the FY 2024 grant cycle. The application is attached to this email, and may be obtained online at, under “Projects and Programs- Quad-Lakes Solid Waste Management District”. For more information, contact Teresa Heckenlively at or (660) 885-3393. One original and three copies must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on March 9, 2023 by the KBRPC office.
Please mail original + 3 copies to:
Quad-Lakes Solid Waste Management District
FY24 Grant
Attn: Teresa Heckenlively
221 N. Second St.
Clinton, MO 64735
Teresa Heckenlively
Quad-Lakes SWM District Planner
St. Clair County Economic Development Director
Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission