The Chamber of Commerce, some from our Ambassador Group, friends, family and others helped Patrick and Spirit celebrate their Grand Opening on Friday, the 13th. Enchanting Winds Metaphysical Shoppe is located behind Subway Restaurant at 1713 East Ohio Street in Clinton. You can see photos from the event on the Chamber’s Facebook page.
The Greater Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce is giving you the chance to get free money! Our “150 to get 25” promotion begins Nov. 1st.
All you have to do is buy at least $150 in Chamber gift certificates and we’ll give you an extra gift certificate worth $25. That’s right, spend at least $150 with us and you’ll get an extra Christmas gift worth $25 for someone, or yourself!
This promotion begins Nov. 1st at 8am and will end at noon on Dec. 22nd. We are open Monday through Friday from 8am until 4:30pm. If you would like for your gift certificates to be ready when you come in, just call ahead and tell us how much you are wanting to spend and any names you may want on the cards.
Gift certificates can be used at most of our Chamber-member businesses and you can find all of our more than 400 Chamber members on our website, To order your gift certificates or if you have any questions, just call 660-885-8166 or email or We are located at 200 South Main St. Only one free gift certificate per household.
It’s just about Nov. and it’s time for the Holidays! Now, you may think the Holidays don’t actually begin until around Thanksgiving.
However, for the Greater Clinton-Area Chamber of Commerce, we are ready to give you a chance to win…several chances to win, actually.
It’s the Clinton Chamber’s Fourth-Annual ‘Receipt to Receive’.
Beginning Oct. 30th, folks can bring in or email a receipt from a Clinton Chamber-member business and they will then be entered to win. Thus, Receipt to Receive.
At the Chamber, we will copy, scan or print that receipt and get your name and phone number. Keep in mind that the item or items on your receipt has to be at least $25 in total and those items need to be purchased from members of the Clinton Chamber to be entered, but you can enter multiple times each week with different receipts. Each week, those receipts will be entered into a drawing to win $25 in Chamber gift certificates. We will give our prize away each Monday beginning Nov. 6th. To be entered to win each Monday, you must bring at least one receipt to the Chamber that previous week. All qualifying receipts will be eligible for our grand prize giveaway.
On Dec. 22nd at noon, we will take ALL those receipts entered and draw the big winner of $200 in Chamber Gift Certificates.
The Clinton Chamber of Commerce is giving away $375 in Chamber gift certificates with our seven weekly winners and that grand prize winner of $200 in Chamber gift certificates.
We are open Monday through Friday from 8am until 4:30pm at 200 South Main St.
You can find a list of Clinton Chamber members when you go to, call the Clinton Chamber at 660-885-8166 or look for the Clinton Chamber decal near the front of each business. You can email or
ANNUAL JUNIOR CLASS FUNDRAISER Good news… don’t have to make dinner on Friday night! Stop by Cardinal Stadium this Friday, October 20th, beginning at 5:30pm, to support the Junior Class and the 2024 Prom (food will be served until they run out).
You know those beautiful snowflakes that are up during the Holidays around the Square and up and down Second and Ohio streets? How would you like to help to keep/make them more beautiful? It’s easy! We will have a re-bulbing party on Oct. 23rd from 2 till 4pm and if needed, another party on the 25th from 2 till ? to finish the work. We supply the snowflakes, bulbs, tape, pliers, extension cords…you know, all that stuff that makes up a great party!! We need some strong people to lift them off and then back onto the trailers…those that replace bulbs…help clean up any mess made…etc. Once again, things can really make up a great party!!!
Who: You
What: replacing light bulbs
When: 10/23 and 10/25(if needed)
Where: Elite Laundry location (809 South Orchard St.)
How: bulbs, tape, and pliers
Why: so our snowflakes look great
Questions: Phone: 660-885-8166 Email:
During the month of October, GVMH is sponsoring a cancer awareness fundraiser. Stop by the GVMH Bistro and make a $5 donation for a card for anyone you know affected by cancer and receive a free cookie. Proceeds will support patients and cancer care at GVMH.
Clinton Animal Shelter CAT ADOPTION SPECIAL through October 28th. Cats 6 months and older only $35
660-885-7999 • 1307 N Washington St., Clinton, MO Mon thru Fri 2pm to 6pm Sat noon to 4pm.
The Clinton Tourism Assoc. is happy to announce our Discover Clinton App is now available.
We are “Featuring” our Chamber members! On the Chamber’s Facebook page, we are taking text and images from our member’s websites, Facebook pages, Google searches, etc. and combining them into posts on our Facebook page. “Featured with the GCACC”. It gives the viewer a “one-stop shopping experience” for each of our Chamber members. We have a lot of Chamber members so getting every business on our page will take quite a while, but we think it’s well worth it! It’s just another service from YOUR Chamber of Commerce. New this week, we “Featured” CISC…Tractor Supply…The Nutrition Trail…Clark Tire Co…Clifton’s Carpet Shop…The Game Box…The Den…Clinton Abstract and Title Co.…NAPA of Clinton…Tan Ur Bunz@Get Sweet N Salty.
Here’s a note to our Chamber Members and anyone and everyone looking for employment; The Chamber of Commerce continues to receive calls…people come in…and email us about jobs that might be available in and around Clinton. When we see our Chamber Members post information about job openings, we do share that to our Facebook page. However, we’re pretty sure we don’t catch all of those job opening posts. Please remember that YOUR Chamber is here for YOU. If you (a Clinton Chamber of Commerce Member) have any job openings that you are posting or if you want us to post it for you on our page, just let us know. Let us help you find employees! Send your job openings to: or If you are not a Chamber member, we can still post your openings on our Facebook page for $25.00. If you have any questions at all, email us or call 660-885-8166.
We desperately need volunteers to help walk dogs at the Clinton, MO Animal Shelter. Even helping with just one dog would be a huge help to the shelter and to the pup. So if you can spare an hour a week or a month please email the Volunteer Coordinator at- for more information. You can also call Heidi at 660-885-7999.
Heartland Community Theatre is pleased to announce the latest edition of our upcoming Sunday monthly movie matinee at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 22nd, 2023. As Halloween is approaching, this Sunday is a “Creature Feature” event. Our feature presentation is “Night of the Living Dead” (1968), in black and white. This is the 55th anniversary of this cult classic, director George Romero’s FIRST zombie movie and the original movie that started it all..!! Set in the Northeastern United States, a small group of survivors barricade themselves in a farmhouse, in an attempt to remain safe from a horde of zombies. Regardless of the age of this feature, viewer’s discretion is still advised. Admission is always FREE for this monthly event, along with gourmet popcorn and beverages. Hope to see everyone at the Heartland Community Theatre, 108 North Washington, Clinton!
There will be a Military Support Event at our local VFW Post 1894, Clinton MO OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! This is an opportunity to show support to veteran owned businesses and for those who have services to offer veterans. Oct 21st 9am-1 pm You can message us or text/call/email Jennifer at 669-525-0470
Red Star Intertribal Gourd Dance Society’s 18th ANNUAL ANCESTORS MEMORIAL GOURD DANCE and POW WOW
12:30pm-1:30pm–Gourd Dancing
2:00pm-Grand Entry
5:00pm-6:00pm–Dinner Break
6:00pm-7:00pm–Gourd Dancing
7:00pm-Grand Entry
Concessions open at 11:30am
All Drums Welcome FREE ADMISSION! Located Indoors Midway between Kansas City and Springfield at the junction of 7&13 and 52 highway 1008 E .Sedalia Avenue, Clinton MO 64735 No drugs, alcohol, pets, or firearms allowed!! Not responsible for accidents, lost, or stolen articles. Vendors Welcome! Contact Bob LaRoussa (816)331-2824 see WWW.REDSTARGOURD.COM for updated information.
Cruisin’ to Clinton will take place for the final time this season on Oct. 21st from 4 till 7pm. Kids are invited to come in costume for the candy drop! All rides are welcome, there will be giveaways, vendors and more. For details, go to Clinton Cruise Night on Facebook.
Heartland Community Theatre is pleased to announce the latest edition of our upcoming Sunday monthly movie matinee at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 22nd, 2023. As Halloween is approaching, this Sunday is a “Creature Feature” event.
Our feature presentation is “Night of the Living Dead” (1968), in black and white. This is the 55th anniversary of this cult classic, director George Romero’s FIRST zombie movie and the original movie that started it all..!! Set in the Northeastern United States, a small group of survivors barricade themselves in a farmhouse, in an attempt to remain safe from a horde of zombies. Regardless of the age of this feature, viewer’s discretion is still advised. Admission is always FREE for this monthly event, along with gourmet popcorn and beverages. Hope to see everyone at the Heartland Community Theatre, 108 North Washington, Clinton, for our movie matinee event this Sunday afternoon!!
CEMETERY WALK AT ENGLEWOOD CEMETERY- Come experience some folks who lived here and at one point in their life, experienced deprivation from the war, or even people who help raise a chicken or two. In this walk you will not only hear about those who lived long ago but those who lived and died most recently. Oct. 22nd, 2 to 4pm. Live Music-TLC Dulcimer Band. 1804 East Ohio Street-Englewood Cemetery. Come hear about William Harrison, John Angle, George McQueen, J.C. Smith, Mildred Church, Elmer Lindstrom and McLane Chapel.
The Clinton Rotary Club’s Annual Rotary and Chili and Soup Luncheon will be Oct. 26th from 11am till 2pm. Rotary’s Annual Chili/Soup Luncheon. Your choice of Chili or Vegetable Soup, Drink and Dessert. Dine In or Carry Out. 200 West Franklin St.
The Grand Opening for the Henry Co. Health Center new facility will be from 4 till 6pm Oct. 26th. 111 North Third Street. The public is invited!
Farm Family Night for all children and their families. Oct. 26th from 5:30 till 6:30pm at the Henry Co. Fairgrounds. Activities include: Family Hayride, Tractor Station, Haystack Scramble, Games, Petting Zoo and more.
CHART (Community Health Assessment Resource Team) is hosting a Pickleball Tournament Oct. 28th at the Artesian Park Tennis Courts (if raining, Clinton High School). Men’s, Women’s and Mixed Doubles. Pool play followed by bracket style. $80 per team with t-shirt included. Cash prizes for first and second. Proceeds go to support Henry Co. Christmas Angel Tree and Christmas Cheer Foundation. Call Tyler at 660-223-3210 or for questions, to enter or to sponsor.
Heritage Tractor Halloween Howl. Trick-or-Tractor! Calling all zombies, dinos & princesses: visit your local Heritage Tractor in costume on Saturday, Oct. 28 from 8am till Noon for sweet treats & a free John Deere toy tractor!* *While supplies last.
KDKD FM, Clinton Main Street, and Guardians of the Children presents “ScareFair” on the Square” Community Trunk or Treat Sat., Oct. 28th from 4 till 6pm.
The Mother and Son Dance will be Oct. 28th from 6 till 9pm in the CHS Commons area. Dancing, games, refreshments, CHS Jazz Band Performance, photos, costumes welcomed. Tickets are $30 for mother and son, $5 for additional child. Purchase tickets at the Chamber of Commerce (cash or check only). Recommended ages for preschool to elementary. It’s a fundraiser to benefit CHS Band. For details,
Trunk or Treat with local first responders at the Clinton Fire Dept., 301 South Washington Street Oct. 31st from 6:30 till 9pm. Candy, vehicle tours, Halloween music and meet local heroes. Several local agencies involved.
Chili Cook Off and Handmade Craft Sale, Sat., Nov. 4th starting at noon at the Clinton Senior Center, 970 East Sedalia Ave. Registration is $10, due by Nov. 1st. Vote for the best chili by putting your donation to the Senior Center in the jar at each booth. Winners will be declared by the amount of money raised. Craft sale will be inside the Senior Center. For all questions, call Kathy at 660-885-3482.
Date: Tuesday, November 7th, 2023 Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Location: Clinton VFW 510 West Allen St., Clinton, MO
Speakers: Christian Smith, Clinton Police Department Darin Chance, Lt., Harrisonville Police Department
For more information contact: 314-496-0110
Big MO Productions presents: Kornfield Kounty’s Merry Mirth. Nov. 16th and 17th at 7pm and Nov. 18th at 2pm. Delozier Building, 201 West Franklin St., Clinton. All proceeds go to renovating backstage facilities at the Delozier Building. Tickets at the Henry Co. Museum, Chamber of Commerce and The Barbery Center. Director Marty Morgan and cast member Ann Pugh invite you to “Kornfield Kounty’s-Merry Mirth” Nov. 16th, 17th and 18th in Clinton. Watch this video on the Chamber’s Facebook page.
From The Gabby Girls; Quilt Raffle !!! Mary Cupp/ White Flower Quilt Shop has donated a beautiful, pink, king size quilt to be raffled off for “October Breast Cancer Awareness Month” … we will draw the winner out November 22… So come in to Designer’s Edge and get your raffle tickets… Thank you so much to Mary for donating this beautiful quilt… All proceeds will go to”Wigs for Women “ !!
The 2023 Community Thanksgiving Dinner is on schedule this year for Thanksgiving Day, November 23. We are starting to make plans for this annual community event. Be watching for upcoming announcement, we will be asking for donations of Turkeys & Pies (Pumpkin or Apple) once again and volunteers to help with serving, delivering, and assisting. The Meal Reservations will not start until November 1st.
Truman Lake Fishing Expo-We’re casting off again with the 2024 Truman Lake Fishing Expo February 9th & 10th, 2024!!!