The Ambassador Committee of the Clinton Chamber held a ribbon-cutting Wed. for Socket Voice, Data, and Internet. Thanks to Socket for being a part of moving Clinton forward and to the folks at SFCC and CMU for the use of their facilities. Here’s some more info from their Facebook page: Unusually good internet, unusually good service. That’s Socket. 2703 Clark Ln, Columbia, MO +1 800-762-5383
Monday, I got to see some true professionals at work while taking pictures for a new ‘Featured in Photos’. Kustom Kat Contractors, LLC is a new Chamber member in 2023, but they have been building and remodeling homes and businesses in the area for a number of years. Here’s some info from their Facebook page: Kustom Kat Contractors, LLC is a turn-key contractor and offers a variety of customized projects. +1 660-885-1433
This is for our Chamber business members: I want to tell you about Amazon Delivery Partners. The following is from their website: When customers make their purchases online, Amazon’s people, technology, and operations work together to fulfill their orders. The items are packed at fulfillment centers and then sent to delivery stations. At the delivery stations, packages are prepared to be loaded into delivery vehicles, which is where you come in. Each morning, you’ll lead your team of delivery associates as they load packages into their vehicles and deliver them to customers’ homes and businesses. You can see Todd Ghys on the Chamber’s Facebook page right now explaining this partnership. Amazon Delivery Partner Program E: | M: 417-848-0920
Here is a portion of an email our Chamber-member manufacturers received from me on Wed. of this week: Welcome to February. This is the month YOUR Chamber has dubbed “Manufacturing Month with the Clinton Chamber”. So, what does this mean for you? Promotion, visibility and possibly some new employees! This month, I would like to record an approximate 10-minute interview at your business. So, I hope to have a few of these interviews on the Chamber’s Facebook page throughout this month.
Starting this past Wed., you now have the chance to buy a new Olde Glory Days banner that will be hung up this May through July 4th around the square and/or up and down 2nd and Ohio streets. Look for that information on our Facebook page. See more information below. Since last summer, the Chamber has delivered the old banners that were taken down after Olde Glory Days to those that purchased them and they are now theirs to keep. Those banners were purchased back in 2009. We still have some old banners with names on them. If you see your name or someone you know and can get a banner to them, stop by the Chamber (200 South Main St.) M-F from 8am till 4:30pm and pickup that banner. It’s free! Atomic Hog BBQ, Brad and Deanna Hendrich, Chance and Erica Barnhart, In Memory of Trevor Davis, John Hill, Kristene Brock, Steward Excavating, Stunz Excavating.
Here’s the press release that went out on Wed.: The Holidays have come and gone once again, and the Chamber Banquet is done for another year. Now that we’ve opened the presents, brought in the New Year and celebrated Clinton at our Banquet, the next thing to think about it is…Olde Glory Days 2023! This year, Olde Glory Days is celebrating its 30th birthday. As part of that celebration, the OGD Committee and the Chamber Ambassadors Committee is selling new banners that will be displayed around the Downtown Square and on Second and Ohio streets from May through the 4th of July. The banners we have used for 10+ years are torn and falling apart so we will not use them again. Look for this banner campaign on the Chamber and Olde Glory Days Facebook pages.
For our Chamber businesses: For the past eight years, the Center for Human Services (CHS) Employment Services has been a proud provider of the Summer Work Experience (SWE) program in collaboration with Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation. This program was designed to give early employment experiences to incoming high school juniors and seniors with a documented disability, IEP or 504 Plan. Over the course of six weeks, the students are provided with the opportunity to learn a variety of job skills while working at businesses like yours. The students will be paid employees of the CHS, your only responsibility is to provide jobs/positions for them to complete. An important part of this program is that the students have a real work experience. Each group of students (in groups no larger than seven) will be accompanied by a CHS job coach who will be in direct oversight of all the participating students while working for you. Please respond back to David or Joyce at 660-885-8166 and let us know what kinds of projects you would like help with this summer, we will be happy to visit with you about the program and add you to the summer schedule.
YOUR Chamber of Commerce is here for you: 660-885-8166 200 South Main Street M-F 8am-4:30pm Facebook/Greater Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce
The Clinton Chamber of Commerce would like to remind you that you can always find job openings on our Facebook page. When we receive job openings from our Chamber members, we post those openings. If you are not a Chamber member, we can still post your openings on our Facebook page for $25.00. Here’s what we need our Chamber members to do: Send us your job openings. We can put those on our Facebook page. If you have any job openings now, or if you’re just looking to add potential employees to your list, please email that info to or
Is it time to become a member of the Greater Clinton-Area Chamber of Commerce for 2023? Well, of course it is! Businesses, couples, individuals, ANYONE can be a member of the Chamber. Call us at the Depot or email and we will tell you what you get and more just for belonging to the Clinton Chamber of Commerce.
To our businesses; You can be ‘Featured’, BUT YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA. READ MORE HERE: You want your business to be featured but you don’t want to be recorded. We can do that with pictures and a story. The Clinton Chamber this year is continuing our ‘Featured with David Lee’ program. If you are a Chamber member, you could be ‘Featured’. We record videos and try to fill the Chamber’s Facebook page with those videos of our Chamber members. The videos feature business owners, managers and others getting the message out to the public. The Facebook posts include the interview and photos of area businesses. Once a week for a month, the ‘Feature’ is brought back to the top of our Facebook page. After a month, of course it will still be on our Facebook page. HOWEVER, we realize not everyone is comfortable in front of a camera being interviewed. So, I can come to your business, take some pictures and you can tell me what you would like the Chamber to say about your business and we’ll include that info along with the photos. We will post these photos along with your information on the Chamber’s Facebook page and update it on our page once a week for a month. So contact us at 660-885-8166 or email We are also still recording the videos as well if you would like to do that.
Don’t forget, if you’re a business owner and belong to the Chamber, be sure to update those Facebook pages so we can share your information on the Chamber’s Facebook page. Be sure to like us on Facebook: Greater Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce or check out
We get about three or four inquires each week from the public about places to rent in Clinton. We do have a list of landlords we give to them or email. If you have houses or apartments to rent, make sure the Chamber knows about it so you will be on the list.
We have several committees here at the Clinton Chamber and volunteers are always welcomed. Our committees include Academic Affairs, Agriculture, Ambassadors, Military Affairs, Olde Glory Days and Tourism. If you would like to get involved in helping to move Clinton forward, just call, email, stop by or if you see me out and about…let’s visit!
We continue to send out our weekly newsletter to our Chamber members. Here at the Clinton Chamber, we want to keep our members more up-to-date on what we are doing for them, activities and events that are coming up and any other information we need to relay in a timely matter.
From Bright Futures Clinton: KEEP THEM COMING Since 2014, Bright Futures Clinton has been making a difference in the lives of Clinton School District students. We have been able to meet HUNDREDS of needs through the Bright Futures Clinton Facebook page. We are currently up to 1,500+ likes, but would love to have even more. The more likes and followers we have, the more needs we can meet! If you haven’t, please head over to the Bright Futures Clinton page.
From Clinton Christian Academy: Bid Early, Bid Often to support Christian Education…
The Missouri TAP for Telephone program is designed to provide a full range of adaptive equipment to meet the needs of individuals with all types of disabilities. TAP provides adaptive equipment and technology includes voice carry over phones, phones for hearing carry over, signaling devices, amplified phones, and hands-free phones. WILS TAP is a certified demonstration site and has certified TAP agents who will demonstrate the phones for your specific needs and ensure the TAP phone will meet your communication goal. Learn more at:…/telecommunications-access-program-tap/
Missouri State Parks We are very excited to have the Katy Trail nominated yet again for USA TODAY 10 Best recreation trail in the nation, but we need your help! Last year we came so close! Visit…/best…/katy-trail-missouri/ to cast your vote! Limit one (1) vote per person, per category, per day. Voting ends Feb. 6. Let’s make the Katy Trail #1!
BIG BROTHERS/BIG SISTERS OF HENRY COUNTY PRESENTS: Clinton Historic Half Marathon & 5k All proceeds go to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Henry County. HISTORIC LANDMARKS Anheuser-Busch Building, Artesian Park, and the Historic Downtown Clinton Square. All runners will receive a commemorative t-shirt. FINISHER’S MEDAL A keepsake to remind you of your accomplishment and contribution. Cash prizes, age awards, and other swag will be given away. TWO RACES Half marathon and 5K. ANNOUNCEMENTS!! NEW DATE: June 17, 2023 With warmer temps, we will start earlier at 7:00 am and allow 4 hours to finish. 5k will start at 7:30 am. NEW THEME: Clinton Cardinals Our theme this year will focus on our local high school and the cardinal logos used over the years. We will have 2 different medals for the half and the 5k for the first time, each having a different cardinal logo. Our t-shirt will include all logos used in the past.
“Recycling Initiative Grant Applications” are now available through the Quad-Lakes Solid Waste Management District (QLSWMD). These grants are to assist with start-up and/or education. Local governments, businesses, industries, schools, and/or individuals, within the QLSWMD six-county area, are invited to submit an application for these funds. Approximately $50,00.00 is available for the FY 2024 grant cycle. The application may be obtained online at, under “Projects and Programs- Quad-Lakes Solid Waste Management District”. For more information, contact Teresa Heckenlively at or (660) 885-3393. This ends on March 9, 2023.